Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Oh, For Fuck's Sake

It's been almost a week, and the headlines are still bitching about Ken Griffey, Jr missing a pinch-hitting spot because he was asleep in the clubhouse. For fuck's sake - dude's been in the league for 20 years, has been a model spokesman for the league, and this was a meaningless fucking game in May for the last-place team in the AL West. Who gives a shit. Junior was THE player of his generation whose star will only rise as years pass and the absurdity of his numbers shine right though his peers' fuel-enhanced ones. And he has somehow been overlooked throughout the years...until now, when OOOH, SCANDAL!!! has broken out. It's like when people stopped giving a shit about the Apollo space program until 13 went tits up. For fuck's sake.

I mean, incredibly better, awesome worse things have happened in the middle of a game, for fuck's sake.


  1. Ah, The Mick: my fave all-time Yankee.

    Whenever I see former players from the ‘77-’78 Yankees—my all time faves—or other big-time players from the past I’ve been a fan of (Tom Seaver, for ex.) it’s always pretty cool. But being of the same generation as Griffey Jr. it was a sobering moment when I found out he turned 40 this past November. Yup, The Kid is now a middle-aged man. Time flies…

    I firmly believe Junior would now be the HR king if his body had not given out. But despite him being a Yankee killer, I always admired him, was glad he got to return to Seattle, and was never tainted by any PED scandals. And yes, I will cheer him on when he becomes a first-ballot HoFer.

    And yeah, re the "nap": the baseball press should find a new topic.

  2. The Gnat3:51 PM

    If Xmastime won the Powerball $300 million lottery, I bet he would spend it all on that single piece of Mickey Mantle memorabilia. And yeah, it is scary how old Jr. is when you think back.

  3. Here's the thing that blows my mind about Junior, if he had any sense of real selfishness, monetary or win/loss, he would've signed with the Yanks instead of the Reds. WHo knows what would've happened to his body. Maybe he still breaks down.

    But if he'd been more interested in winning at any cost, instead of trying to rekindle Reds greatness in the Natti, there's no way Hank doesn't pay him A-Rod money.

    Junior in pinstripes would've been a real moment, and I can't stand your Yanks. But I could never root against Junior.

  4. yeah, i dunno. he did the whole "the Yanks were mean to me and my old man, so ill never play for them" bit. then he did the "well, my family is in Cincy" bit (like he couldnt afford a U-Haul truck.) a little puzzling. but who doesnt love The Kid? a few years along with perspective will shine brightly on his career. god, already we've forgotten what an absurdly incredible center fielder he was.
