Friday, May 14, 2010

Ah, Sniffy.

And one last word on Sniffzilla today: anyone who is still claiming she's gonna run for president is a fucking idiot. Looking at her Facebook , I see that she's now endorsing some chick from South Carolina for governor. It doesn't even matter who it is, the point is that Sniffy can't seem to go more than a few days without endorsing someone for some political office all of the country.

One of the reasons it's almost impossible for a Senator to get elected president anymore (Obama's the first one in almost half a century) is that it's very easy to look at a Senator's voting record and use it as ammunition against that person in an election. It's all right there in black and white, there's no real confusion. Sniffy's constant endorsements of candidates is her own version of such a record, and if ever the time came it would be incredibly easy to access her list of endorsements et al and lay it out for all to see. Which would be a disaster in the next election, since the GOP's only hope is to have someone who can "out-America" Obama with sheer love of freedom, Jesus, and that stupid new Lynyrd Skynyrd song that's been going around. In other words, Charlie Daniels would LITERALLY have a better chance against Obama than Sniffy. And since surely someone in her camp who knows more than she does about such things has explained this to her, it's even more obvious than before that she's much more interested in pretending to be interested in running for office while teasing the media and "writing books" than actually running for office.

And good for her, that's her preogitive. But you're a fucking idiot to fall for it.


  1. The Gnat11:12 AM

    Isn't it great that Obama got elected as a Senator precisly because he had no voting record there? Proves your point. YORF!

  2. and Sniffy seems to be going out of her way to do the exact opposite. which means she's either dumber than i think, the odds of which are somewhat incredible, or, as my point was, has no real intention of running anyways.

