Friday, May 14, 2010

Sniffy, You are Losing Me, You Hot Piece of Ass!!!

Incredibly, Sniffy's sticking her nose into an Illinois school is making even less sense as I think about it.

Of course schools shouldn't be using their kids for political reasons. But doesn't Sarah Palin's problem with these kids being used "for political purposes" really translate to "political purposes that Sarah Palin does not agree with"? I mean, if a school popped up tomorrow saying "we're sending our basketball team to Arizona BECAUSE we agree with their new immigration law," do you really think Palin would wag her finger at that school too? Of course not; she'd be leading the USA! USA! Chants.

Also, while I'm all for schools sticking to readin/writin/rithmatic, aren't there worse lessons we can be teaching young people than the idea that people being stopped by police based on what they look like is not good? Or, in fact, American?

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