Saturday, May 22, 2010


The Grayson War is Making You Poor Bill provides for a nice conundrum for "conservatives." On one hand, nothing lubricates the GOP vagina quite like the phrase "tax break." On the other hand, being made to actually account for a pretend war with real money takes all the fun out of playing war. But on the OTHER hand, this gives the Right a chance to excoriate Grayson for "putting a price on the troops' sacrifice and honor," and they'll get to squeeze out a few tears while crying into the flag about the troops they're gonna screw over at the VA when they get back.

Also, since Grayson's the first face we see on this, and the chances that he's probably said something nice about President Obama along with not wondering if he's an African Zulu Muslim means this will never see the light of day anyways.

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