Saturday, May 22, 2010

I Love the Williamsburg, Part V

Mission Statement HERE.

GIT your ass over to the truck at the corner of Bedford & N4th and get a quesadilla. Good lord. The greatest quesadilla I've ever had in my life. First of all, it's huge - the one to the right is half-eaten; to be honest I can't believe I was able to put it down long enough to take  a photo. I was shocked; one of these is a whole fucking meal EVEN FOR ME!!! Stuffed with cheese and chicken or beef, and a corn tortilla crispy with fried goodness throughout.

But the topper is some sort of cheese sauce they dink about it along with a little bit of shredded lettuce; I'm not even sure what it is but it reminds me of the sauce from those chicken and rice carts I used to hit when I worked on 5th & 19th (that's in The City, you fucking hillbilly.)

Why do I say rush now? Because the entire fucking thing is only $2.25. $2.25!!!!!! I figure out it's only a matter of time before they figure out they're outrageously under-pricing, and adjust accordingly (which is would still warrant.)

Fucking A. Super super slice.


While waiting, I saw THIS GUY.



1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:47 AM

    i've seen that guy a million times. love him. always wanted to ride along with him...can't you see NPR doing a radio segment on him?

