Tuesday, May 25, 2010


She can't even pull off snarkily co-opting a poem without looking like an imbecile. Sully points out Aaron Sorkin knew Palin was an idiot before he even knew Palin:
JOSH: Is that what Frost meant?
DONNA: No, he meant that boundries are what alienate us from each other.
JOSH: Why did he say "Good fences make good neighbors?"
DONNA: He was being ironic, but I still don't see...
JOSH: What does this remind you of? "I believe in hope, not fear." "I'm a leader, not a politician."  "It's time for an American leader." "America's earned a change." "I before 'E' except after 'C'!" It's the fortune-cookie candidacy! These are important thinkers, and understanding them can be very useful and it's not ever going to happen at a four-hour seminar. When the President's got an embassy surrounded in Haiti, or a keyhole photograph of a heavy water reactor, or any of the fifty life-and-death matters that walk across his desk every day, I don't know if he's thinking about Immanuel Kant or not. I doubt it, but if he does, I am comforted at least in my certainty that he is doing his best to reach for all of it and not just the McNuggets. Is it possible we would be willing to require any less of the person sitting in that chair? The low road? I don't think it is.


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