Tuesday, May 25, 2010

You Are Making It Harder and Harder for Me to Wanna Hit Them Beef Curtains, Sniffy.

So in the last 24 hours we've learned that one candidate Sniffy has endorsed probably had an affair with some dude, and another one plagiarized Obama and seems to be a complete retard. Her vetting process seems to be about as through as McCain's was when he picked her. Her "Midas Touch" might actually be "Oh shit, that bitch gave me crabs!" I mean, how shocked are really gonna be when we see on her Facebook joint:
New Mexico is Fired Up, Ready to Go!

I’m proud to endorse Orenthal James Simpson for governor of California. Orenthal is a strong pro-family, pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, pro-development fiscal conservative...

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