Wednesday, June 29, 2011

More Fagz Stuff

If you were waiting for gay marriage to sweep the nation, don't hold your breath, thanks to the voters of 2004:
Conservatives hustled to put anti-gay-marriage constitutional amendments on state ballots. One reason for their haste was the Massachusetts ruling, which set off alarms that judges might impose gay marriage in other states. Another reason was that Republicans needed a scary issue to mobilize the religious right in the 2004 elections. But the third reason was that the polls, from a conservative standpoint, were moving in the wrong direction. Conservatives often fret that traditional moral assumptions are unraveling. In the case of gay marriage, they're right.
So they took the issue to the polls. By 2002, voters in three states had approved constitutional amendments against gay marriage. In 2004, another 13 states joined the list. Two more followed in 2005, eight more in 2006, and three more in 2008. That's 29 states
Isn't that awesome.  I would only add that Thomas Jefferson, yet another Founding Father conservatives pretend to understand but get wrong at every turn, would have been miffed at this.

Seven years isn't a lifetime, or even a generation.  But the Earth belongs to the living.

Roll on.

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