Wednesday, June 29, 2011

American Exceptionalism = a Joke

Must be a pretty good feeling, knowing that our staying in Iraq is basically just to show Bin Laden that we can. So fuck it, I‘m stepping up and nominating Bin Laden for President. Look at all the bumbling inefficiency we have in DC these days; meanwhile, this guy has the single greatest super power in the history of the world spending billions of dollars as well as human lives simply because he once mentioned that we couldn’t do it. Amazing. Think of what this dude could accomplish in the White House. “Hold up…President Bin Laden said we’d always be fat? Oh, fuck that!” BAM!!! National obesity rate plummets. “The HELL I can’t read!!” Literacy becomes the new GameBoy. And so on. - XMASTIME
Sully via HERE points out the truth: in a decade that historians will one day look back and laugh at, Osama bin Laden won:
He got the US to spend $4.4 trillion in a decade on counter-terrorism, using just a handful of men with boxcutters - and a whole lot of fear. For good measure, he goaded incompetents like Dick Cheney into violating core US standards of morality.
There's a Br'er Rabbit lesson to be learned in there somewhere.

In case we're not embarrassed enough, here's what I wrote about Osama vs. Hitler:
The comparisons of Osama Bin Laden to Hitler seem to me a bit tenuous.  Other than they were both obviously assholes, their results are the complete opposite: Hitler was responsible for tens of millions of deaths and a war that propelled the USA into it's role of world superpower with decades of hyper-productivity and economic upswing; Osama killed 3,000 people on a single morning that propelled us into at least a decade of total economic collapse and a complete willingness to forfiet those things that make us "American," e.g. civil liberties and a high moral standing throughout the world.  We should all be happy he's gone, but was the price worth it?  While nobody would consider such a question with Hitler, it seems a very plausible one to me.

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