Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tree Falls in Forest, Nobody Gives a Shit

Apparently Sniffy Wiffy has quit her bus tour.  While it's no surprise she's quit something, it is a surprise that the thing was still happening.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who assumed she wrapped it up a few weeks ago, when her every move stopped being reported like she was The Beatles if Jesus had joined the band. I guess the Lamestream media got bored with chasing her around, which I'm fairly certain is the real reason she said "fuck it" and went back to Alaska, where she can focus on trying to use Bristol's pretending to have been raped to sell books. 

Of course, I don't know Sniffenstein personally, so I'll assume she quit over her frustration of all the media's attention being focused on her and not the everyday, noble Americans she was pretending to give a shit about.

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