Monday, June 20, 2011

XY Comedy

A while ago HERE I wrote that for the most part, men are funnier than women, and now a study out of New Mexico (whatever the fuck that is) says the same thing.

Again, funny is subjective.  But to reiterate my own point, most men are funnier than most women because in general, it's not important for women to be funny; in particular, it's not important for good-looking women to funny at all.  Men don't really care if a woman is funny, and note my sliding scale re: hot/funny ratio in the above link. It's not that women CAN'T be funny, or that there aren't plenty of funny women out there.  But on the front lines when it comes to getting a woman's attention, being funny is an important tool for a guy to have in his repetoire, and the same can't be said for women.

Hollywood, of course, doesn't help.  People wanna see the movie Bridesmaids as a changing tide, but remember that out of the six characters, five are hot, and the sixth is the one now being lauded as "the funny one."

Whitney Cummings has a fucking sitcom, for chrissakes.  Take a look at her, and then Roseanne Barr.  Think about which one would be green-lit a sitcom today.  And then think about which one is actually laugh-out-loud funny.

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