Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sad. Women. Funny.

A while back I dubbed Alexa Chung as a Mrs. Xmastime. British, hot, and, having her own "comedy" talk show on MTV, presumably funny. However, right now is the first time I've actually watched her show.

Woman, for the most part, are not funny. Sorry. Don't like it, tough shit. Of course, men don't really ASK women to be funny - we ask them to be hot, and impressed whenever we lift heavy stuff. Unlike women, who's number one thing on any "what do you look for in a dude you wanna teabag?" list is always "be funny."

Now there are SOME women who ARE funny, but there is always a ratio re: how funny they are to how hot they are to how willing we are watch them. The hotter the chick is, the more willing we are to watch her try to be funny; the less hot she is, the funnier she actually has to be, or we will click away. The best example is of course Rosanne, who was SO funny we were able to overlook her looking like Andre the Giant with a fatsuit on. Somewhere in the middle of things would be someone like Chelsea Handler, who is JUST sexy enough and JUST funny enough to hold our attention for a while (particularly if her guest is hot) despite not being REALLY hot or REALLY funny. Then there is Alexa Chung - so hot I've given her twenty minutes, but so unfunny she is now, and will forever be, unwatchable.

Sorry, AC. :(


andtheend. said...

you and chris hitchens. please.
betty white, tina fey, kristin wiig, catharine o'hara, jennifer coolidge, chloris leachman, madaleine kahn, mo'nique, just to name a few...rrrgghh.

Xmastime said...

oooooh, Monique's a good one. could watch her for days, on a loop!!!

KdwaggyO said...

chelsea handler. done and done.