Friday, July 08, 2011

A-Rod 3000

It'll be interesting to see how Yankee fans handle A-Rod's chase for 3,000 hits; he's only 238 away, meaning it couldn't come as soon as the end of next season-ish.  Obviously Jeter is venerated in a unique way, and our celebrating his approaching milestone is also a way to bask in the 5 championships he helped bring the Yankees.  Meanwhile, a lot of people hate A-Rod for  not being Derek Jeter  flying jets into the World Trade Center, so I wonder if it will be somewhat muted.  Fans are possessive of Jeter's greatness, and tend to get agitated whenever A-Rod slides into the picture.  It also doesn't help that Jeter will be only the 10th player to get all 3,000 with one team, while A-Rod was in Seattle and Texas before joining the Yankees in 2004.  I'm also surprised A-Rod only has 300 more strikeouts than Jeter, which is less than 20/year.  Seems like a classic home run hitter would have way more than a singles slapper.  Also, that Kim Kardashian has some nice titties, doesn't she?

Well hell-O, fellas.  Yes, it IS rather warm in here....

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