Thursday, November 15, 2012

Fuck Luke Russert

Luke Russert thought he was doing some "hard journalism" by pushing Nancy Pelosi earlier today on why she and her fellow old people were taking up space in Congress:
"Excuse me!" interjected Russert, who was asking a question that was inevitably going to come up. "You, Mr. Hoyer, Mr. Clyburn, you're all over 70. Does staying on prevent younger leadership from moving forward?"
"So you're suggesting that everyone move aside?" asked Pelosi.
"No, I'm simply saying that to delay younger leadership from moving forward ..."
"Let's, for the moment, honor that as a legitimate question, even though it's very offensive. You don't realize that, I guess. The fact is that everything I have done in my, I guess, decade now of leadership, is to let younger and newer people come up. In my own personal experience, it was very important for me to elect young women. I came to Congress when my youngest, Alexandra, was in college. I knew that men who came here in their 30s had a jump on me."
As you already know from here, I'm perfectly furious about Congress being run by old motherfuckers. But if someone's gonna present the "gee, do you really deserve this?" card, it shouldn't be some kid whose sole purpose for existing on any kind of national stage is due to everybody feeling bad for him because of his dead father. I man, come the fuck on already with that shit.


  1. Anonymous4:18 PM

    don't even utter another word about my Timbo. His son is every bit as righteous as he was. Move along, gasbag.

  2. Anonymous1:56 AM


  3. The Gnat6:03 PM

    Doesn't excuse Pelosi from being a classless, clueless, uber-victim cooz to everyone. I am just saying. . .
