Friday, November 16, 2012

The American Catholic

Via Sully:
One feature of this last election was the complete failure of the Vatican hierarchs to dictate the vote to the flock. American Catholics voted for Obama over Romney. The docile fools in dresses - from Dolan to Chaput - were ignored as they now routinely are, and should be. They actually think they still have moral authority. But moral authority has to be earned with each generation, and the corruption in the Vatican is so deep and so rotten and so incapable of self-reflection it has effectively created two Catholic churches in America: those few in the pews who still listen to the bishops and those who exist almost in a parallel church, focused on their own parish, their own priest, and their own faith, which remains, for many of us, undimmed. 
I never imagined the Catholic Church would stick its nose into American politics as much as it has recently. To say it is unseemly is an understatement. To say it seems to champion the opposite of what its base message is supposed to be is an understatement. Good for us for telling them to go stuff themselves during the election.

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