Wednesday, December 19, 2012


It feels like Newtown is finally the tragedy that might force the powers that be into legislating some actual gun control (hopefully, anyway.) Naturally, it takes the slaughtering of 20 or so little kids to finally get us to do anything about guns. Of course. Actually, it follows our domestic policy of TITS UP almost perfectly:
We never seem to do anything as a country these days until shit goes absolutely tits up. We're patting ourselves on the back for getting rid of Bush, but we are, as usual, about four years behind. And we STILL almost elected his successor, were it not for the financial crisis....which, what do you know, nobody bothered to do anything about until shit went tits up. TITS UP - this seems to be our modus operandi now; if you want any change at all, you hafta wait for complete disaster.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Historically, every time a country takes guns away from law abiding citizens, the crime rate goes up proving that when guns are taken away from the 'good guys' the 'bad guys' still have them and society is tits up.

    When the ability to make as much money as you want according to your own personal goals and abilities is limited by government, people lose initiative to compete ( work hard) and economy suffers. Again, tits up.

    When a plane crashes, killing passengers and crew due to terrorism, you don't shut down the airlines. You devise better ways of screening your customers.
