Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tits Up: Our Domestic Policy

Although I know it won't happen, if it were up to me I'd let the automakers go tits-up. Sorry, tough shit. Same thing with the airlines. Cause the problem is we're always giving industries JUUUUUUUST enough cash to keep going, but then nothing really changes, and a year later we're giving out more money, with no moevement forward at all in that time (ergo my "why the fuck are we still even using gas? rant below.) Same thing with gas - they get the price of gas up JUUUUUUUUST enough to where people start grumbling, but not so high we actually do anything about it. So we keep buying gas. We never seem to do anything as a country these days until shit goes absolutely tits up. We're patting ourselves on the back for getting rid of Bush, but we are, as usual, about four years behind. And we STILL almost elected his successor, were it not for the financial crisis....which, what do you know, nobody bothered to do anything about until shit went tits up. TITS UP - this seems to be our modus operandi now; if you want any change at all, you hafta wait for complete disaster. Until global warming completely destroys a part of the country we give a shit about, nothing will be done on that. So to keep the auto industry in the status quo is to set us back years again re: alternate fuels and energy et al. Cause unless they HAVE to change things, they won't. Why would they?

Don't bankroll them, make them go tits-up...and WHAT DO YOU KNOW, I'm guessing they'll "all of a sudden" start coming up with ideas they should've been implementing a long time ago.

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