Monday, January 21, 2013


Yours truly (duh!):
The current state of Washington reminds me of Taylor Branch in Parting the Waters writing "A man with the burning desire to be a saint might well find himself competing with another preacher intent on making a fortune, as all roads converged at the Negro church."

Of course the word "saint" might be a bit generous for even my own most beloved Democratic leaders, but hey.

I think I'll read PTW again, actually - the last time I read it, I was on the first Greyhound Bus to "take off" after the Nashville bus terrorist incident. That was exciting. And I had just met a girl whom I thought was my true love, so that was exciting. And I lost 75 pounds, so that was exciting too. Which led me to banging three chicks in 6 weeks, which was VERY exciting (including #5 on this list HERE.)
And, of course as you recall:
...the John Lewis doc Come Walk in My Shoes is floating around on PBS this week, check it out.  His Walking with the Wind is my favorite Civil Rights book not written by Taylor Branch. 

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