Monday, February 25, 2013

The Oscars

I thought Seth MacFarlane was pretty great on the Oscars last night. Funny when he wanted to be, smooth when the duties called for it, and a young man who relished the old-timey showtunes that people of my generation generally turn our noses up at.  And I see he's gotten roughed up online - basically, hosting the Oscars is a lose-lose thing unless you're Billy Crystal, for which you'll still lose anyways.

But I find this tale from Rush Limbaugh disappointing, IF it's true:
I sent him an attaboy note yesterday morning. I sent him a wish-you-well kind of note. He wrote back and said, "You know what? I kind of understand how you conservatives feel about the media now."
I don't know if he was desperate for some warm arms of comfort, or was drunk, or whatever....but other than "fuck you", his response should have been the exact same as Bruce "The Boss" Springsteen's upon hearing that Oliver North's secretary et al Fawn Hall wanted to meet him after a concert:
When Springsteen played near Washington, D.C., in 1988, Oliver North's secretary Fawn Hall sent a note backstage saying she'd like to meet him. Reports say his written reply read, "I don't like you. I don't like your boss. I don't like what you did. Thank you."


  1. I hear ya. But MacFarlane did get trashed by a bunch of humorless, womyn's studies types, so it might not be such a bad thing to cut him some slack.

  2. Marley2:01 PM

    Ha ha. MacFarlane mau mau'ed by priggish fems and Xmastime for failure to hew to their party line. The only absolution for Xmastime? His condemnation was really just a weak lead-in to a Springsteen story.
