Monday, February 25, 2013


Hey, it's a long fucking season. Just yesterday, A-Rod was apologizing to his teammates for taking 'roids and was going into surgery. Next thing you know, he hits the first pitch he sees for a 3-run bomb in Baltimore and the 13-15 Yankees start to warm up.  Then the Yankees slump and play like crap until Girardi gets thrown out of the game in Atlanta, and next thing you know the Jeter Lifetime Award Season has begun, A-Rod is going for 7  rbis in a single inning for the season finale, and the Yankees are up 2-0 in the ALCS. Then Girardi spends 24 hours being the goat of the city and is about to be run outta town until CC Sabathia suddenly makes him a genius again. And now here we are. Let the shit unfold. At exactly NO point during the season if you had asked anyone "how'd you like to be one win away from the World Series?", from Game 1 to game 162,  would they not JUMP at the fucking chance. Camon. Nobody remembers it took the Yankees 6 games to win the ALCS in 1998 and 2000, they just remember they won the World Series. - XMASTIME
Because we're Yankees fans we're supposed to already be hurling ourselves off the planet and into the axis of panic on February 25, according to an article asking "Is this the worst Yankees Opening Day lineup in 20 years?", which is indeed terrifying to read until you actually, you know, look at the lineups, to say nothing of the fact that that the season doesn't begin and end on Opening Day (the 1998 Yankees started out 1-4 start and then, if memory serves, and I believe it does, they had a pretty good year.)

Remember, people: IT'S A LONG FUCKING SEASON!!

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