Monday, February 25, 2013


While I've read a coupla books on the WPA, I'm embarrassed at how little I knew about the Civilian Conservation Corps; particularly when my love for Skyline Drive is included. Great short doc via American Experience on it.

A sample of what they accomplished:
Number of Trees Planted: Between 2 and 3 billion
State Parks Developed: 800
Public Campground Development: 52,000 acres
Miles of Roads Built: 125,000
Miles of Telephone Lines Strung: 89,000
Miles of Foot Trails Built: 13,100
Farmlands Benefited from Erosion Control Projects: 40 million acres
Stream and Lake Bank Protection: 154 million square yards
Range Re-vegetation: 814,000 acres
Fire fighting Days: More than 8 million
 Oh oh:
The end of the Civilian Conservation Corp in 1941 would not be the end of its benefits to the nation. The 3 million men who participated would be among the most ready to join in the 16.1 million strong American force that would fight the Axis powers. Already versed in teamwork and discipline and inured to the strain of hard work, CCC men found the transition to military life to be an easy one.
Of course we thanked them for their troubles by sending them off to WWII.

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