Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Oh, You Right-Wing Nuts!

Money shots:
Bundy stopped paying his federal fees for letting his cattle graze on government-owned land and went as far to say, “I don’t recognize [the] United States government as even existing.” This type of delusional rhetoric is exactly what the Tea Party is about.

Their desire to enact a political revolution is so obsessive they are willing to cling to anyone with a gun who will stand up against the US government. They ignore the fact that Bundy is nothing more than the freeloaders they campaign against, refusing to pay his rent and stealing from the US government by using its land to feed his cattle.

Apparently, a white Tea Party libertarian is a revolutionary, and a group of them are national heroes; yet when police evict a minority family from their home at gunpoint because they failed to make rent, the minorities are freeloaders living off the American citizens tax dollars.
The whole thing is fascinating. I have plenty of right-wing friends, but I'd find it hard to believe any of them would think what he's doing is okay. ESPECIALLY this part:
4. They then declare that the next time the govt comes hard, they're going to put the women up front? What? How is this is any case "the American West", and WHO ARE THESE FUCKING WOMEN THAT WOULD LET THEMSELVES BE PLAYED SO BADLY?!?!?

1 comment:

  1. The Gnat1:29 PM

    Whack jobs are whack jobs but the media's portrayal of all Tea Party supporters as identical to said whack jobs harnesses the media's unchallenged dominance of public opinion with liberal spin.
