Monday, May 12, 2014


Dear Mr. Sterling,

I have no desire to watch your interview on Anderson Cooper tonight. I couldn't care less - I see some headlines that you said some stupid shit about Magic Johnson - but my main point is I have no idea why you're even talking into a live microphone at this point. in the first place

Let me tell you a little something about this little game we like to call "life", Donnie Boy:

You can stop talking now, because YOU'VE ALREADY FUCKING WON. You spent the vast majority of life enjoying an insane amount of wealth and success (well, kind of) that nobody even bothers dreaming of because it's insane to think it might even possibly come true. Yes, in the final 10 seconds of the 4th quarter of your life, suddenly millions of people who never knew your name before have learned you're a shitty person. What do you care? You probably rather proudly didn't give a shit what anybody thought about you the second before that tape hit the airwaves. Instead of going on CNN and trying to win some sort of publicity war that there's no chance in hell you're going to win, just go the fuck away. Shrug your shoulders, cash out the Clippers and spend your remaining days (hours?) on some boat the size of Texas somewhere while Playboy bunnies bounce their tits on your head. We're all sinners, we're all shitheads, but you were one of the lucky ones. Just go the fuck away, shut the fuck up, and did I mention go the fuck away? You're becoming like OJ, who received the miracle of "not guilty" but then couldn't go 4 minutes without calling talk radio to plead his fucking case.

Just go away.


I remain,

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