Monday, May 12, 2014

Speaking of Donald Sterling

One of the first things I thought of after the Donald Sterling story broke was “well, he’s a fucking 80 year-old white guy, of course he’s a douchebag when it comes to people who aren’t white.” And we’ve heard from time to time people asking shouldn't we kind of cut him some kind of slack for being born in 1934 when hey, things were just different?

But the more I think about it the more I wonder if our thinking should be the complete opposite – dude, you’re 80 fucking years old. You’ve lived through decades and decades of change and evolution. You've had 80 years inside your own head to think about things. That's a long fucking time - I think that BECAUSE you're 80 years old, maybe you shouldn't think "that way." And yet we're supposed to give this guy a break based on "well, this is what he was told when he was 5 years old, 3/4 of a century ago, so..."  Really?

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