Monday, June 09, 2014

I Got My Motorcycle Jacket But I'm Walking All the Time

This post of 10 Awful Albums with One Great Song is 100% correct to include This Is England (which made my all-time Top Fitty btw) from The Clash's otherwise unlistenable final "album":
Many considered 'Cut the Crap' a Joe Strummer solo album; Strummer himself disowned the disc, except for first single, 'This Is England,' which took aim at the pro-consumerist, anti-individualist slant of England under the Thatcher administration, and comes across as an elegy of sorts for punk rock.

Read More: 10 Awful Albums With One Great Song |
Many considered 'Cut the Crap' a Joe Strummer solo album; Strummer himself disowned the disc, except for first single, 'This Is England,' which took aim at the pro-consumerist, anti-individualist slant of England under the Thatcher administration, and comes across as an elegy of sorts for punk rock.

Read More: 10 Awful Albums With One Great Song |
 Many considered 'Cut the Crap' a Joe Strummer solo album; Strummer himself disowned the disc, except for first single, 'This Is England,' which took aim at the pro-consumerist, anti-individualist slant of England under the Thatcher administration, and comes across as an elegy of sorts for punk rock.
Many considered 'Cut the Crap' a Joe Strummer solo album; Strummer himself disowned the disc, except for first single, 'This Is England,' which took aim at the pro-consumerist, anti-individualist slant of England under the Thatcher administration, and comes across as an elegy of sorts for punk rock.

Read More: 10 Awful Albums With One Great Song |
It's a song so good you wonder what Joe Strummer really coulda done if not fucked up by the whole firing Mick Jones/listening to Bernie Rhodes thing- surely he coulda scrapped the rest of the shit and written 9 other good songs.

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