Monday, July 07, 2014

Nom Nom Fucking Nom

Most people think of November 22 as being the day JFK got killed (tough doo-doo, CS Lewis!), but to me an even bigger tragedy is that eight years ago today I had a 10pm reservation at Peter Luger's and at 3 o'clock that afternoon decided "I should prolly drink an entire bottle of Old Crow right now."

Sigh.  A wasted trip to Luger's. Keeps things in perspective, don't it? - XMASTIME
I guess my best example of this would be Peter Lugers. For a brief period of time some of my friends and I were a-tizzy that Luger's had a $7 cheeseburger for lunch. So we'd go and be all jazzed about it. And it was a good burger. Until you'd see all the tables around you being served with huge slabs of the greatest steak in the world, and you'd think why the fuck am I gnawing on this fucking burger? In other words, kinda like when Megan Fox woke up and realized she's dating David Silver. I mean, camon. - XMASTIME
EATER.COM takes us through the process at Peter Lugers:
Next a bit of melted clarified butter is added to a serving platter. The steak is taken out of the broiler and sliced atop the butter. This happens immediately, the meat is not allowed to rest. Instead, the juices mingle with the butter in the platter. The broiler guy then puts the steak back into the broiler for just a couple minutes more, depending on what temperature the table ordered their porterhouse. Most order medium rare, which means "charred on the top and pinkish in the middle." Right before the steak is finished, the broiler guy buzzes a waiter, who should be at the pass to pick the steak up immediately. The steak is taken out of the broiler, and given a plastic pick indicating the temperature.
 I refuse to believe there's a better porterhouse on the fucking planet.

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