Thursday, January 03, 2019

Tunguska 2019

Years ago I somehow stumbled upon the Tunguska event, which I'd never even heard of (I know - me!). I also later stumbled into an answer for it, which turned out to possibly be more correct than anyone other than myself woulda thought:
I get an F- for thinking that the trees would somehow "rebound" even if at the perfect epicenter of energy. What an idiot. But I'm giving myself a little bit of credit for thinking that the "ground zero" trees would survive because the energy would immediately spread like a drop of water on a table that hits so hard the middle remains dry while the wetness spread sideways.
Anyhoo, the geniuses over at the Stuff You Should KNow podcast talked about it this morning, and I've decided I arrived at an answer more directly than they do. Ta-DA!!!

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