Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Jack Frost. Ugh.

Twitter informs me that the godawful movie Jack Frost came out 21 years ago today, so fuck it here's my thoughts on it back in 2008:
Is the opening scene of Jack Frost the dumbest, most implausible one in movie history? Hmm. Bar band of 50 year olds in Denver playing by-the-numbers "blues", and there's a thousand fans there losing their minds while records label dudes race on their cellphones to sign them? Jesus. By the time Michael Keaton comes back to life as a snowman you're like yeah, well, okay, this I might actually believe. #1 on my list of "Movie Scenes That are SO Pulverizingly Awful I Scan The Guide to See When They're Coming on Again So I Can Shake MY Head in Disbelief for 10 Minutes" list.
"You pussies make me look like James Fucking Brown, for chrissake!!" 

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