Monday, December 14, 2020

77 Days

Of course the connection between JFK and The Beatles has always been strong, whether it's the idea that their coming to America just over 2 months later allowed Americans to start thawing out and healing or if it's that they were announced to America by Mike Wallace...2 hours before the assassination, therein leaving the scoop to be forgotten completely. Of course Walter Cronkite re-aired the report a few weeks later.- XMASTIME
You incredibly loyal fans have known through the years how many times I've posted about the connection between the assassination of JFK and The Beatles arriving in America, sometimes contorted to be seen as a sort of salve to cure the country's heartbreak.

But for all my years of reading about this connection, it's only recently I've noticed it's become de-riguer to note that the number of days between the two events was 77. Everywhere I see it mentioned now, the author oh-so-casually drops in "77 days", as if that's always been a thing. I don't know if there's anything to it, but it does remind me of a shitty grade I got on a college paper based on Le Morte d'Arthur and numerology:

So you'd think that when I combined the two, Arthurian lit with numerology, I'd hit the ball outta the park. After all, I got an A in the class. But I got a D on my paper about the numerology of Le Morte d'Arthur.  Here's some choice quotes from my professor:

Title? (I guess I didn't write a title. Which, I must admit, is odd.)

I can't see where you did much work on this.

You say (repetitively and wordily*) this is important, but you don't show it.


Is this a joke?
Misplaced modifier.

I find this very disappointing.
* in my own defense - if she's gonna bust me for being repetitive, does she hafta add "wordily"? Isn't that repetitive?

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