Saturday, January 01, 2011

Le Morte d'My Brain

I wrote HERE about my favorite class in college being the one I took on Arthurian Literature.

Also, with today being 1/1/11, some of you might recall that I'm a bit of a numerology guy when it comes to dates. Such as 90210, or 12:34:56 7/08/09.

So you'd think that when I combined the two, Arthurian lit with numerology, I'd hit the ball outta the park. After all, I got an A in the class. But I got a D on my paper about the numerology of Le Morte d'Arthur.  Here's some choice quotes from my professor:

Title? (I guess I didn't write a title. Which, I must admit, is odd.)

I can't see where you did much work on this.

You say (repetitively and wordily*) this is important, but you don't show it.


Is this a joke?
Misplaced modifier.

I find this very disappointing.

* in my own defense - if she's gonna bust me for being repetitive, does she hafta add "wordily"? Isn't that repetitive?

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