Saturday, January 01, 2011

Ideas. I Have Them.

While writing my post below on the numerology of Le Morte d'Arthur I started wondering about the fact that there seems to be no modern, definitive film based on the book. The Clive Owen thing was okay, but completely missed the point, as Hollywood is want to do.

The legend of course has it all  - the story itself, the tradition, the ritualistic kinda stuff we love from old heroes, chivalry, and a cast of characters that are unbeatable, to say nothing of the parallels we could draw between the Arthurian tale and the Bible. Seems like it would write itself, n-est' pas?

Then it dawned on me that the other class I loved that same semester was the one I took on Literary Criticism, via Professor Michael Lund, who had a habit of bringing home themes to our class via, of all things, The Muppets (AND introduced me to my super slice Peter Leroy!)

So. Is it just me, or does it make more than perfect sense to make a movie about the Arthurian Legend using The Muppets? Obviously, Kermit would be Arthur, and so on. Miss Piggy was BORN to play Gwenivere!!!!!!!!!


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