Monday, April 12, 2021

Dafuck Graham?!!?

I love Irish sitcom writer Graham Linehan, having written classics such as Father Ted, Black Books, the IT Crowd, Count Arthur Strong and more. And last year I stopped following hm on Twitter because "As an Irish comedy writing legend I wanted him to talk about Irish comedy things, but he wasn’t, so I just stopped following him. Not because I agreed or disagreed with what he was saying, I really didn’t understand what he was going on about. I still don’t, it’s a subject I’m not really interested in other than I just want everybody to be happy." A few weeks ago I decided to try following him again and saw this Tweet:

I've known he was married to the sister of a famous British actor, but this Tweet made me curious and a quick Google search revealed that that they've recently separated, and it's BECAUSE of his frenzied anti-trans rhetoric - and it may ruin him financially!!!

I mean there's sticking to your guns and then there's lunacy.

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