Sunday, June 28, 2020

Graham Linehan

I’ve always LOVED his shows Father Ted, The IT Crowd, Black Books and Count Arthur Strong, classics all. And I was absolutely thrilled when he responded to something I asked him on Twitter. But I stopped following him about a year ago because all he was posting was about transgender stuff. As an Irish comedy writing legend I wanted him to talk about Irish comedy things, but he wasn’t, so I just stopped following him. Not because I agreed or disagreed with what he was saying, I really didn’t understand what he was going on about. I still don’t, it’s a subject I’m not really interested in other than I just want everybody to be happy. But it is a bummer that he’s now been booted off Twitter, although as a super fanboy I can’t help but think, “heeeey, maybe some front page attention on CNN will get more Americans to check out his shows...”

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