Saturday, May 29, 2021

Country Boys: Ray Riddle

Since it came out back in 2006 I've rarely been able to go much longer than about two years without re-watching the Country Boys series on PBS' Frontline, and this week was no exception. But his time I noticed something for this first time - I'd always assumed the song woven throughout the intros and outros of the three episodes, some song about being a country boy, was by Merle Haggard. Only because it sounded like...well, Merle Haggard. It was only this watch around that I realized it was actually written and performed by the dad of one of the boy's girlfriends, Ray Riddle (real name!) who is in fact portrayed as a wanna-be country singer/songwriter. The song isn't remarkable, it's fairly paint-by-numbers country song, but it's easy to like and he has a great voice - obviously, if someone can think it's Merle fucking Haggard!

Check it out and then get thee now to PBS to watch the entire series!!

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