Saturday, May 29, 2021

Ray vs. Revolver

As you most faithful readers know I love love love love The Beatles and I love love love The Kinks. And I guess it's normal to want your heroes to like each other? Meanwhile, the only thing I've ever been able to ascertain about the relationship between the two bands is The Kinks opened for The Beatles once in the super early days and John Lennon making as snide remark to Ray Davies, who apparently never forgot it and never went out of his way to say anything nice about his peers.

BUT APPARENTLY HE DID go out of his way to semi-trash The Beatles' classic Revolver, taking it track-by-track for a Disco and Music Echo article when the album came out. Davies is pretty famous for being incapable of telling anything other than the 100% truth, and he doesn't hold back. This one is my favorite:

‘Tomorrow Never Knows‘ – “Listen to all those crazy sounds! It’ll be popular in discotheques. I can imagine they had George Martin tied to a totem pole when they did this.”

His comments aren't actually that bad, a few tracks he simply compliments, but still...publicly dissing Revolver in any slight way? Ballsy, Ray Ray!!!!

"Look, Paul, I - he said what? Ray said that? No, he's....out right now, but really, I - what? No no no, Paul, baby, sweetheart, Ray would never - hello? Hello? Paul?...Sir Paul? Dammit Ray!"

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