Wednesday, September 29, 2021

40 Years YOUNG!

Great podcast on the 40th anniversary of The Replacements' debut album Sorry Ma, Forgot to Take Out the Trash. It features both Bob Mehr, who wrote the definitive book on the band, and Peter Jesperson, who as their discoverer/manager is the single person most responsible for our even hearing the band. Without Jesperson, we never would've heard a single Paul Westerberg song, ever.

20 years ago I got an email from him:

A coupla years ago I wrote an email to Peter Jesperson, the first manager of the Replacements and their discoverer (if that’s a word.) I forget what I wrote to him about. Prolly blathering/gushing, something stupid. He wrote back, obviously amused I had named my band after a Replacements song. So he writes me a nice email and then at the end includes a story about the song “Hayday” – that after the album Hootenanny had been completed, Paul came up with the song and made them reconstruct the mobile studio, going through all that trouble again, fighting with everybody to record it and finally recording the song. Then he officially declared the album finished.

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