Thursday, September 30, 2021


Over at Eater the folks are doing a Ratatouille-themed week, which is cool if only because it was my favorite movie of the decade. From my classic review:

As for the movie itself, must say…great. Not a good movie, a great one. 2 thumbs up, 4 stars, whatever. Laugh out loud funny, touching at times but not too over the top, and within about 5 minutes you actually find yourself giving two shits about the main character, which is rare these days. Yes, it’s Disney so you know everything will end up okay in the end, but that’s alright. My only complaint is that there were a few too many hectic, panicking rat-almost-getting-run over-by-cars/people/Neil Diamond’s prostate scenes. But that’s the only ding.

Tell you what though…I am creeped out whenever I’m watching anything that’s animated and find myself thinking “man…she’s hot…” Chick in this one, reminded me of Gina Gershon. Well, if she wasn’t, you know, human. Always weirds me out, maybe my generation has Jessica Rabbit to blame for this. Or maybe I could speak to an actual woman more than once every 11 years.

If you must go see a movie, see “Ratatoille”!

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