Monday, August 15, 2022

I Dunno Who Cares

An article expressing maybe not even surprise that Generation X, MY generation, has slipped through several cracks including being the boss:

It would be very Gen X to shrug at this seemingly inevitable outcome. We were probably never meant to be the boss. Baby boomers and millennials have always had a finely tuned sense of how important they are. Gen Xers are under no such illusion. Temperamentally prepared to be criticized and undermined at all times, we never entirely trusted the people in charge anyway.

I've never cared anything about being "the boss" of anything job-wise so I don't really care, but the intro paragraphs about presidents by generation did bun me out because it reminds me of my own previous (sadly, in this case) genius:
I notice that with the election of Barack Obama, the 1950's has been passed over as a birth decade of presidents. Also passed over was the 1930's; other than that you have to go back to 1810-1819 to find a decade without a president being born in it - and that could still change if John McCain runs again.

The best decade? The 1920's and the 1800-1809 decades with 4 representatives each. Not bad.
Of course if I felt: like I did about Obama - wait until there's a president born in the 1970s's in The White House 😬 🤣   

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