Tuesday, November 11, 2008

You Say it's Your Birth Decade

I notice that with the election of Barack Obama, the 1950's has been passed over as a birth decade of presidents. Also passed over was the 1930's; other than that you have to go back to 1810-1819 to find a decade without a president being born in it - and that could still change if John McCain runs again.

The best decade? The 1920's and the 1800-1809 decades with 4 representatives each. Not bad.

I also noticed that the only two people I know who share a birthday with a president are me (Ford) and my high school girlfriend (Cleveland.) I don't really know what the fuck else she needs to know other than this to see that we belong together...BABY, ENOUGH!! BREAK'S OVER, LET'S DO THIS THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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