Wednesday, April 24, 2024


How's the EGG FOO WHAT?! Monopoly board game coming along, you didn't ask? PRETTY good, people; PRETTY, pretty, pretty good!

Brilliant Ideas. I Have Them.

"I'm listening."
Can’t Michael J. Fox’s final role be as the dad in a Teen Wolf sequel? 🤔🤷‍♂️



Ah Yes, Right On Schedule

As you already know thanks to moi, by law CNN can't go more than 2 weeks without a big article about shithead Jamie Dimon being "concerned" about the economy, and of course his solution for such concern always seems to wind itself back around to "more Trump". Kudos to CNN this time for not picking another "oh no here's Jamie with his frowny face, he has a sad!" photo, I guess.

Oh, Good... looks like Tennessee has finally answered the age-old question, “How can we make our kids a lot dumber while simultaneously increasing the chances their heads will accidentally be blown off?” Awesome.

Ideas. I Have Them.

A podcast that’s all about the local news & weather, thereby immediately rendering it both somewhat charming & forever obsolete.

State du Moi

Look I’m not saying she’s gonna sit-down today & write a country western song about me, but earlier I saw that the lady who is always mopping my building’s lobby when I’m leaving in the morning - don’t ask me why someone decided peak commuting time in the morning when people are leaving the building is the right time to make a marble floor even more slippery - was right in front of the door I usually use to exit and when she saw me she made a motion to move but I waved her off and took one of the two doors I don’t ever use to leave in the morning, so…DOES that make me a hero? I guess I’ll just have to leave that for the history books to decide. 😔

New Day, New Assholes

Across my 26+ years of using the Subway/Metro I’ve seen a lot of assholes & shitheads and even after all this time I’ve discovered a brand new one to me: the older than fucking Methusala motherfuckers who choose to STAND next to an empty seat so that when you get on the train of course now you can’t take the seat since from then on every new person who gets on will think you’re sitting there like an asshole while this poor centenarian is suffering standing next to you so you hafta stand up throughout your whole ride or until Moses fucking whatever Moses' last name was gets off the fucking train  AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHH!

Life. It's Really Happening, Isn't It

One way I like to keep myself on my toes is placing my on-deck hand soap in a cabinet & then forgetting about it that from then on every time I go to open a cabinet I pause, wondering if this is the one that will open up to a crazed hand soap unloading it’s full load on me.

Parking Lot

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

THE RAMONES VS. TANDY, Questioningly: I Have Made a Decision


I can't believe I'm saying this, #1 because they did write the song & #2 Joey did have the voice of an absolute angel but maybe this was written for Mike Ferrio’s voice a little more; they're very similar, they're both incredible and maybe I'm being overly generous but I'm gonna give an A++ to Tandy’s version simply because I think the voice suits it just a tad better in this one specific case. But no losers in the game, I LOVE LOVE LOVE both! 🤗🤗🕺🎸🎸

Of course you people now how much I love The Ramones, but don't sleep on the first Tandy record being an all-time superslice of superslices of superslices!


OMG YA'LLLLLL REMEMBER YESTERDAY when I got lucky for the second time in my life??

WELL WELL WELL just look what just happened - another opportunity to get lucky!! I rolled the dice - see what happens!!!! I'm actually jealous, I wish I was you people & didn't already know what happened so I had something to look forward to!

OFAH du Jour

John Challis' brilliant line reading in this scene is always held up as a classic on the show, and 100% rightfully so (another one came only a few minutes later!!) but it's a shame that Sue Holderness' line tagged on at the end gets lost; you can hear the audience almost totally missing it, and it never seems to pop up in any great lines/bits discussion. It's a great line & she nails it. 

Oh well - mine's a large one MAaaaaaaarlene!! 🤗🤣🤣🤣🇬🇧


15 Years Ago Today

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Fireside with XMASTIME

Speaking of Great Covers...

...this has always been one of my absolute favorites ever since I heard it up on the third floor back in 1992. 🤗🎸🕺

48 Years Ago Today

The Ramones' culture-shifting first album was released. I will now rank the songs, you're welcome very much:
Today Your Love, Tomorrow the World
53rd & 3rd
Blitzkrieg Bop
Judy Is a Punk
Listen to My Heart
I Don't Wanna Go Down to the Basement
I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend
I Don't Wanna Walk Around With You
Beat on the Brat
Chain Saw
Havana Affair
Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue
I'm not counting Let's Dance, a cover of the Chris Montez classic (a Ramones album tradition that led to my seeing them for the first time!)

Xmastime So Sayeth, So Sayeth Xmastime

It's really adorable how whenever I'm passing someone walking a dog & say "hey buddy" they think I'm talking to them and not the dog.

Announcements. I Have Them.

I will be making an announcement re: which version of Questioningly is better at 9:25pm tonight. 

Goals. I Have Them.

I'd like to corner every person under 30 in my office with “so, what’s your favorite White Shadow episode?”

Truth, by Xmastime

Republicans still going all in on Trump is like Red Sox fans deciding they’d rather spend the 12 years after Jackie Robinson’s debut blaming everything on a curse than just getting black players to help them actually win games.

Your EGG FOO WHAT?! du Jour

Introducing the EGG FOO WHAT?! MONOPOLY BOARD CONTEST! Go around the board & fill in what you think the spaces would be, and if yours gets chosen there may be a prize for you at the end! Good luck, everybody!!!

Sigh of Relief du Jour

Remember a month ago when I was whining & chewing my fists about maybe losing contact with Voyager forever?

As Elton John himself would say were he ever prompted within these hallowed pages, and actually when I say that I suppose what I mean is Bernie Taupin since he wrote all the lyrics, the bitch, the bitch, the bitch is back.


Movie Ideas. I Have Them.

Former NFL player Bill Fralic had an unusual provision in his first contract with the Falcons that guaranteed that the team would pay him $150,000 per year, or $450,000 in 2024 money, even after he was no longer with them and his playing career was over.

I have no idea how on Earth...”on Earth”…as opposed to wherever the hell else would I be, I suppose?…I stumbled into learning this about him and now all I wanna do is write a movie about a guy who gets the same thing written into his contract and then the second the ink dries he “retires”, having never played a down but collecting that $450k/year for the rest of his life. Whether it’s a “hilarity ensues as so & so goes through his daily life” thing, or some sort of “now that he’s getting all this money, so & so has to prove himself worthy via solving crimes or somehow making peoples’ lives better” or a "he devotes all of his time & energies into not letting the team get their money back" kind of thing I Deon’t know yet but I’ll keep you posted.