Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Shooting Mike Lupica

Last night’s BCS game was pretty terrible, nailing home the ridiculousness of how long a layoff it is from the end of the season to the “big game.” OSU had 51 DAYS between it’s final game of the season and last night’s game. 51 days!!!! Jesus. Florida wasn’t much better off, but did play 3 games in that time. To put it in perspective, various NFL teams played 8 games between OSU’s games. And to even schedule bowl games after January 1 is becoming more and more ridiculous; how long til we have one in February? Laugh now, but would you ever have dreamed of the Super Bowl being in February, or the World Series butting up on November? Can we PLEASE drop this guise of “gee, but the players are hitting the books for finals in December!” crap and get what is supposed to be THE most important game of the year played while we can still vaguely remember who the hell the teams are? Christmas vacation is about 3 weeks, you’re telling me we can’t schedule a 4-team playoff while these dudes are otherwise sitting at home eating turkey legs or shooting up 7-11s? camon……even if God showed up and said that Mark McGuire did not roid up, there’s no way he gets my vote to go into the Hall of Fame. 1) no glove at all 2) ALL he did was hit homers. And when that’s the ONLY thing you do and that is under suspicion, sorry, but you’re out. At least Canseco could steal bases. My #1 reason I would never vote him in:

Career hits: 1,626 Career strikeouts: 1,596

1,600 hits, and only 30 more hits than strikeouts for his career!???!? No way. So even if you remove the roids issue, he’s no HOFer in my book….and Mark, your crying, worthless jag in front of Congress did not help you….nor did making out with your son at home plate after you hit #62….my boy over at Unconquerable Gladness has me falling in love with Gilbert Arenas…and yes, check out me being drunk on the same page….my high school football team’s record while I played: 4-26…..since I left: 151-9…..great….I don’t understand why the Yankees need another first basemen; every time I see Andy Phillips, he’s tearing the hide off the ball, and he’s a great fielder…and this newest douchebag is the guy that played 50 games for the Red Sox then refused to give up the world Series ball….I will openly cry if Bernie plays for another team…Coughlin needs to go; not cause he’s a bad coach but because even with Tiki gone, that locker room is ridiculous….bad group of players to work with, complete jackoffs….and Eli sucks…..The Michael Vick experiment is over….we can stop worrying about being branded as racists – put him in the slot and let Matt Schaub qb…..have you heard more crying than the Dolphins’ fans about Saban leaving? “ooooh, he lied to us, he’s mean boo-hoo-hoooooooo”...stop crying, now you can get a coach who actually wants to be there….it’s not even that they’re pissed he’s leaving, it’s how he did it….like an NFL coach should be our gold standard for the Golden Rule…has there ever been anyone on earth more tone deaf than this President? Out of 6 billion people in the world, exactly 1 wants to “surge” with more troops…how many more times can we say “no” before we can claim date-rape? At least Clinton got us drugged up on peace and prosperity before slipping up for chrissakes….I hope Sen. Brownback gets busted for doing something gay, I have a pile of “Brownback Mountain” jokes lined up…will we get to see Brady Quinn’s sister when he hits the NFL?....one jv basketball game, I scored 13 of our 25 points against King William…afterwards tried the line from “Teen Wolf” ‘dammit guys, I can’t do everything!!’….got no laughs….Heather Mitts, hot…Mia Hamm, not…and I can’t wait for Michelle Wie to hit 18…that's right, I won't link your picture if you're not hot...this whole Trump episode sucks cause now it’s making me hate his daughter, who I was gonna do…freezer burn: not a fan….tonite’s tv watch…”My Boys”, I’m hooked and I don’t know why.

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