Thursday, January 31, 2008

Cell Phones Cometimes Cuck

I have a suspicion that "igh" making the hard "i" sound would never had happened if texting on cell phones was around back when they came up with that shit, right? How fucking aggrevating is that shit - one of the most used groups of letters we have, and all three are on the same number. Slows everything down. My thumb going round the keypad in a blinding flurry, knocking out whole words in seconds and then i...pause, wait for cursor to move...g...pause, wait for cursor to move...h...gotta go find phone I just threw into the street...fuuuuuuck! Luckily of course this is sometimes overshadowed by the fact that for some reason to use the number 1 or 0 I have to go through about 15 fucking symbols for each one. 1 and 0, the most fundamental and primary of all the numbers, and I gotta get fucking carpel tunnel to type the number 10.

And the bronze? Having to hit at least 9 buttons to turn off the alarm on my phone. Jesus fucking christ. Whoever designed my cell phone would put that strip of tape they put on cds on a gotdam condom wrapper.


BayonneMike said...

Wow. Your desperation to get to 100 posts in one month is showing with this one (still not as bad as the Heath Ledger post though). Your girl's back in the looney bin and still nothing here. Get on it!

Not only am I still mystified by the human urge to talk on the phone 24/7, even more mystifying is the urge to "text" when you've got a phone in your hand and can just as easily push one button and talk to that person. Either way, I instantly lose respect for grown men "chatting" or "texting" in public on a cell phone. Unless you're a doctor or in the middle of 9/11, put the phone down for God's sake. No one's impressed anymore. You're just a public nuisance now.

Anonymous said...

bayonnemike!!! you ole coot!!!

Gina said...

... and for the sake of your Jesus loving readers here, could you please use the name of some stinking idol in vain. Cellphone Stinking Dong!

texting is vexing. I hate when men do this, when they can speak.


Gina said...


Gina said...
