Thursday, February 21, 2008

Old School 1, New School 0

What sucks about drunk texting and emailing taking over for old school drunk dialing is that in the old days, if the girl could tell early enough that you're shitfaced (usually not too tuff in my case, natch) she could cut you off before you make a complete fool of yourself and say hey look you're drunk let's talk tomorrow. Right? But a text, or an email...there's no tone, the telltale signs (slurring/yelling/calling in the first place etc etc) aren't there. And even if she does somehow pick up you know what, I think he's drunk, there's no WAY she's not gonna read the whole thing. How can she, it's right there for her. Is she not human?

I feel like we've taken a step backwards here. I fear for the next generation of great, drunken, could-be Romeos. I don't know what to tell you, fellas.

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