Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Crappiest Generation

Another way my generation sucks is our lack of quality assassinations. Look at the generations before us - you had the Golden Era of Assassinations, the 1960s, that had it all: JFK, MLK, and, just to show how badass they were, another Kennedy with RFK. Maybe you have to be monogram-ly friendly to be considered an assassination candidate? Then they got Sadat, they at least tried to get Reagan and they rotated on a weekly basis who got to try to pop Ford. Fucking hell. AND, just to show nobody was safe they blew five holes in the world's biggest rock star who was of all things a peace-loving hippy. 


BayonneMike said...

Time to step up, Xmastime. This may be the sense of purpose you've been looking for!

Anonymous said...

The Golden era was 1860-1912. Four presidents shot, three killed.

1960-2008 gave you two shot, one killed.

Maybe King, RFK, the Wallace maiming and the Ford close calls make it a race.

But 3 out of 4 - that's pretty damn impressive