Friday, March 21, 2008

Oh No! St. Kurt Sells Out!!!!!

Now this I really like. Cause it gives another opportunity for loyalists of St. Kurt to get all up in arms, howling with indignation about how furious St. Kurt would be if he could see this happening. Cause remember, St. Kurt didn't sell records on a major label with constant rotation on MTV; no no, he whispered songs into clouds and then people stole those songs that he just wanted to sing to kittens in a basement. Hmm.

People yammering about Texas, and people who will run over their grandma to ensure you know for sure what a true artistic perfect saint Cobain was, never satisfied with him being a good songwriter/singer whatever, these people do not rest until they've given their 5000-word speeches on how perfect this "tortured, REAL soul" was: on my shit list.

And oh, a warning if you're wearing a certain shoe. I don't wanna lose any of my fans out there! ;)

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