Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Excerpts from What My Girlfriend Signed in Our Senior Yearbook

"We certainly haven't shared that many good times." Ouch!
"Well, (secret affectionate name here), I guess we'll have to get used to seeing each other much less during college." "Since, you know, I'm going to a real one..." bitch!!
"I will never cheat on you, Xmastime!!" wha? Who brings up cheating while signing a yearbook? Wtf? (spidey senses tingling!)
"It was so weird when you told me you liked me while I was sucking on a lollipop." Well. Guess that question's answered. Why didn't she just wear a sash "Fuckin other dudes, Xmas!"
"It's just hard on me cause I don't have as many friends as you do." Gee. What a real pick-me up.
"I'm sorry for all the nagging but you need to be more responsible sometimes." What the fuck, did she have my parents write this? Arrrghh! Surprised she didn't slip in the Army Recruiter's office number.
"Prom wasn't as romantic as I'd expected." You couldn't save the comment cards for our wedding vows? I'm surprised.

Christ. If isn't wasn't for her having River Raid in our make-out room, we never woulda made it two years.

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