Friday, April 04, 2008

Your Friday Cup o' SISTATIME!

Sistatime! called me last night and as usual couldn't help but make her way onto this bloggity blog. Talking about a charity basketball game the Arthritis Organization was putting on featuring the University of Richmond team. And we pick up:

SISTATIME!: Isn't it so nice that the poeple that run college basketball, you know, aahhh, what'stheirname -
XMASTIME: (about the say "the NCAA") the N-
SISTATIME!: the NAACP, isn't it cool they're doing this?

sigh. and on MLK eve!!!!!

Also, turns out some dude that I thought was her boyfriend got the heave-ho a few weeks ago. AAAAAAAnd we pick up:

SISTATIME!: naw, that fizzled. He's bipolar. Fucking nuts!
XMASTIME: well sure. can't have that.
SISTATIME!: oh, that's not why I dumped him.
XMASTIME: (curious eyebrow-raised "hmmm?")
SISTATIME!: but it is why I had to drag it out over two weeks and dump him slowly, so he wouldn't snap and fucking kill me.

Viva la Sistatime!


Anonymous said...

go there, sistatime!

Anonymous said...

I dated a man like that once. He 'broke up' with me after the first or second date. All I said was " Hold on a minute...listen, can I call you back?" I know it's rude but it was an important call coming in. I know it was a terrible thing to do... I made the mistake of not calling him back for 45 minutes. Please. 45 minutes to me is like 5 minutes when I am on the phone. Anyway, I felt so bad about it that I talked him out of his perceived breakup. " Oh come on...don't take it personally!" The poor guy was tormented over a past break-up. Anyway he turned out to be Dr. Jekyll. Or Mr. Hyde and I later let him dump me just to be safe.