Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Manny Tapes

The Short Bus and I entered a 2 on 2 tournament in Cooper Park. Here's us approaching our opponents for the first game.

Short Bus: "Don't worry fellas, this will be over quick. And me & Xmastime'll be shirts - his titties are bigger than yours, fatfuck."
Xmastime: "(sad groan)"

Here's the guys waiting patiently while me & Short Bus run our layup drills. Which actually consists of me shooting layups while Short Bus points at the opponent for 10 minutes without blinking.

Here's Brucie putting out a 'hotfoot' The Short Bus gave him.
The Short Bus: "Hey, I like Brucie."
Xmastime: "Yeah, he's nice."
The Short Bus: "Makes your dumb ass look like a genius, don't he?"
Xmastime: "(sad groan)"

Brucie throws the ball in frustration after Short Bus has scored to win the game 11-0. Brucie, it's just a game! Course, Short Bus coulda done without scoring the winning basket off of Brucie's head.

The Short Bus: "Good game, Brucie! Hey, which gym do you and Xmastime go to? HAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!!"
Xmastime: "(sad groan)"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're taking photos of retarded people for laughs? A new low, Xmastime.