Thursday, July 10, 2008

You Know You're in the Projects When...

...the Chinese take out joint reeks of ketchup.

Seriously, is there anything funnier than watching black people in a Chinese restaurant? I dunno why they even have menus; customers should just walk up and show cards with numbers on them: 4, 8, 12. I watched 5 people order the other night.

"Gimme 8 wings with fries."
"Gimme 8 wings with fries."
"Gimme 12 wings with fries."
"Gimme 12 wings with fries."
"Gimme 4 wings with fries."

And amazingly, black people try to actually communicate with the Chinese people taking their order. Me, I take what they give me - I know it's all a roll of the dice. Black people got no problem returning their food, bitching at the worker and expecting their order to be redone perfectly. Utter blank uncomprehending stares from the order taker lady be damned!! a crackup. I actually watched a woman order fries and, like at a McDonalds, she yelled "and I want the FRESH fries too, don't gimme none that've been sittin around!!" Really? What magic Chinese food place is this? Awesome. All the "exotic", worldly smells that could come from Chinese food, and they got the Alaskan pipeline of ketchup piping thru this place.

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