Tuesday, August 19, 2008

And Was a Pirates Fan, No Less

Anybody else remember the story in the Daily News a few weeks ago about John Challis, the kid with cancer who got to hang out with A-Rod for a day? Geez, I remember thinking, can you imagine hanging out in A-Rod's apartment as a baseball fan? Unreal. Then I spent some time wondering to myself "A-Rod drives himself to games? Really?" Anyways, was a nice thing to read.
It made for quite a day for Rodriguez, too. On the same day he and his new pal bonded, there was a published report linking him romantically to Madonna. Rodriguez wouldn't comment about that, but he had plenty to say about Challis.

"We had a good time," Rodriguez said. "The funny thing is, he really thinks he's getting the best part of this, but I'm getting the treat, the blessing to be around him. It just reminds you of how blessed we are. He's so special. I gave him a bat in Pittsburgh and we became very friendly and he said he wanted to come here. I said why doesn't he come to my apartment and come to the park with me?"

Anyways yeah, the kid just died.

1 comment:

Gina said...

So sad. Great that this child got to spend quality time with his hero. I hope A-rod is a hero to his own kids too.